Hi everyone, the past few days have been very intense. The amount of support is overwhelming and has given me even more of a drive to get this thing started. I want to say a humongous thank you to all the people who have sent messages of support and have said they will sponsor me on this expedition, put me up for a night, or take me out for lunch.

If you haven’t liked my Facebook page please do that now so that you’ll be sure to see all the updates: https://www.facebook.com/mylongwalkaroundbritain

Similarly, if you’re planning to sponsor me on this expedition and haven’t got round to it here are my bank details:

Sort code: 09-01-29  Account Number: 40636438

Now, here’s a brief video to tell you about what I’m doing and why. It would be a big help if you could share, thanks.

If the video doesn’t pay you can watch it here https://youtu.be/nI0dYqa095I

I’m quite excited about the possible difference this campaign can make, not just to my life and all those who currently suffer with HNPP, but also to future generations who may have treatment options because of this seemingly very small act which could snowball into something much greater.

Earlier this week I emailed lots of different media platforms and have recently had interest from the Derby Telegraph. They asked me further questions about the adventure and wanted me to send them photographs. This is very promising. You never know, I could be in the newspaper! I wouldn’t have believed anyone if they’d told me this expedition would be in the newspaper a few weeks ago.

I’ve also got round to deciding a start date and location. I will be setting of on the 10th of August 2019 from Mablethorpe on the east coast of England. I will be heading south in a clockwise fashion around the coast line of mainland Great Britain.

The next thing on the massive list of things to do is sort out my equipment. I’ve been writing a list of everything I need and been figuring out what I already have and what is needed. I’m in the process of finding a decent walking bag and GPS tracker. It’s actually quite exciting as its all gradually coming together.

As always, thanks for taking the time to read this blog post it means a lot. Encouraging comments, helpful tips and offers of accommodation VERY welcome.

Thanks, Barney

A big shout out to Francis Chan from Soar productions. He has been instrumental in getting this website up and running , what an amazing guy. If you need a website doing I would definitely recommend his company. Just click the link at the bottom of the page if you are interested.


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