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My Long Walk Around Britain

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Sponsoring My Long Walk For HNPP

I so appreciate ALL the help and support I received during this mammoth walk. It amazes me that I only needed to camp 6 times!!!  So many wonderful people opened up their homes to me. And a few heroes let me extend my stay and took good care of me when I badly needed to rest or became ill.

Thank you for the many, many ways you supported me on my long walk to raise awareness of HNPP. And thank you for helping me raise money for research into this little-known and often misunderstood condition. With your help, I was able to send a sizeable donation to Dr Li to add to his research fund.

I couldn’t have done it without you unsung heroes!

Funding research into HNPP

Dr Jun Li and his team are doing ground-breaking research into HNPP with the aim of finding ways of reducing its impact on people’s lives. They are trying to figure out what causes it, how they can stop it from happening, how they can best treat symptoms, and maybe even find a cure for it.

Thank you so much for getting behind me on this. Tesco says it best, every little helps!

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